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๐Ÿš€ Build Custom Widgets for Gathering Feedback, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, and Beyond!

Craft stunning widgets that effortlessly gather user form submissions on websites or web apps. Tailor these widgets to your specific needs whether its collecting feedback, bug reports, feature requests, or any other valuable input with complete customization options.

That is ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

Create widget dashboard page

๐Ÿคจ Wait a minute, what is this?

Effortlessly integrate attractive widgets on your website, enabling users to respond to your personalized forms within the widget interface, while seamlessly collecting their form submissions in our user-friendly dashboard.

Create widget dashboard page
Step 1. Create a widget with custom forms
Create widget dashboard page
Step 2. Embed widget in your site
Create widget dashboard page
Step 3. Your user can fill in the form
Create widget dashboard page
Step 4. Collect the widget form submissions

๐ŸŽ‰ Step 5. You have successfully gathered the user form submission, enabling you to utilize their feedback, bug reports, feature requests, or any other input to enhance your application